Monday, September 1, 2008

Malaysian Art Scene

I have been interested in arts ( I am talking only about paintings here - sculptures and the rest of it has yet to attract my interest) since the days in university when I was on constant look out for past masters' cheap reproduction. As many of us know, as a student, I did not have the means to get the best of them and had to settled for prints and the kind.

As I started working all the struggles were for the normal things that many young people would aspire for e.g house, cars and the immediate family needs. The interest in arts has taken a back seat. Recently I have taken back into paintings though I am more interested in the works of our fellow countrymen (I still buy some cheap oil painting reproduction of the past masters' imported from China at a reasonable price). I like some of the works and frequently visited many of the mushrooming art galleries in Kuala Lumpur. Much to my chagrin, however, I find myself being outpriced again.

I am just wondering whether art works are meant for the super rich or is it intended for the masses? I am of the opinion that Malaysian artists have unintentionally directed their market to the super rich. Let's face it, I am not in the position to splash out RM 5K - 10 K for an oil painting just so I could decorate my living room with, there's alot of other prints and whatnots that could make my living room look just as nice. I just want to be able to enjoy the work (I am an amateur artist that paints for himself for the sheer joy of the experience). I know that these professional artist are trying to make a living but a good business person would definitely want to expand their market and get more volume than just several pieces a month being sold. I know that corporate clientele would not flinch at RM 5K per piece of work but just imagine how much work they could sell if the prices are reasonable and within reach of the masses?

The case is strikingly similar to the issues of our artists of different nature aka singers and film producers. If they make it more reasonable for the massess to buy original CDs & DVDs then people would definitely choose quality over cheap pirated products that once was so pervasive in our culture and I bet still is despite many efforts from the authority.

The local arts scene seems to be only the playground for the rich and famous here in our country. I really wish it is part of the culture of common people like me who has the interest but not the means to be part of it.

Just my 2 cents worth.. jumpa lagi...

p/s Anyone can recommend me a good art gallery with reasonable price range is most appreciated.


mazwanali said...

kat vietnam ni byk dhani.. murah2 jer..

Anonymous said...

you have to consider that some of these artists sell their paintings for their own livelihood. but even if they didn't really need the money that much, how does one put a price tag on someone's 'blood, sweat, and tears'? just like a business consultant won't write a business plan for RM200, or how we don't expect doctors to deliver babies for rm10/hour, one can't expect artists to devalue the essence of their artwork to suit a market. if they wanted to share their work with the masses, as in the case of many artists, they donate it to a museum.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind comments. Doctors can charge the amount that they do because people would pay for it regardless the amount. Business consultant would not do their plan for RM200 because people are willing to pay more for it. I guess these artist can still find people who would pay for it at that kind of price. Again the market allows them too charge that much I guess. I am not part of the market for them unfortunately....

Anonymous said...

If you don't mind please find for me "Grapes and Violin" by Picasso and "Persistence of Memory" by Dali. If you have time before you come back for your leave I would greatly appreciate your kind favour to find those paintings.